However, what turns a place that is generally considered to be a secular place into a sacred one?

There is much debate about what will become of the old Tiger Stadium, but no matter what it is used for (hopefully little league games) or how it is memorialized (hopefully a museum) there is no question that for me it is sacred space.
This is true of other places in my life as well. I'm sure that many years from now, the Palace of Auburn Hills (home to the Detroit Pistons for the past twenty years) will also become a sacred space to Pistons fans like me who have enjoyed watching them play there (even though I have fond memories of watching the Pistons play at the Pontiac Silverdome as well).
Some places have sentimental value because they haven't changed much over the years. My oldest son is a preschool student in the exact same classroom where I was a preschool student at Adat Shalom Synagogue in the early 1980s. The classroom hasn't changed much since then, so each time I walk in to drop him off for school I experience yet another flashback to my childhood. Of course, it has been transformed into a more modern classroom to keep pace with the educational advances of the past three decades. A few years ago I even taught a class in that same room for teenagers and found that to be a surreal experience (at least during the first class). That classroom is certainly a sacred space for me as it is the location where both my formal education and my first born child's formal education commenced. Independent of the fact that it is in a holy place (synagogue), it still carries sacredness. It is sacred space.
In some cases, it is specifically the way in which a sacred space has been transformed that gives it meaning and value. In the case of the original location of the Detroit Holocaust Memorial Center (America's First Freestanding Holocaust Memorial Center), the transformation is stark and conveys an interesting message. Several years ago, the Detroit Holocaust Memorial Center moved to a new location a few miles away leaving the JCC with the decision of what to do with the space. A new, state-of-the-art teen center now occupies the entire building where the Holocaust center was once located.

This is the best way to demonstrate that some sixty years since the end of the Holocaust the Jewish people have endured. This is a loud statement that the Nazi attempts to eradicate the Jewish people were unsuccessful.
A beloved baseball stadium left vacant that will soon be used for youth baseball. A nursery school classroom occupied by multi-generations. A Holocaust memorial center transformed into a Jewish teen center. Each of these is a sacred space transformed to preserve its sacredness.
Another thought-provoking article on sacred space can be found at
Discovering G-d's created world as sacred space is indeed a Jewish experience for many. Awareness of holiness all around us, as well as within each of us, opens our hearts and draws us into active tikkun olam and gemilut chasadim.
Karen Siersma Rosenstein
Troy, MI
I enjoyed your article about the sacred space that was once Tiger Stadium. You may enjoy the song I wrote and the video I made of "The Corner" – my tribute to the ballpark. You can check it out via the MySpace link below. You may like to know that the Old Tiger Stadium Conservancy has been successful in raising funds to preserve the original Navin Field portion of the park, so future generations should be able to enjoy it too.
Ben Hassenger
Very cool - still love & miss the Old Park!
I really enjoyed this article. There are many places that become sacred space just to a certain individual because of the memories and events held in that room On the other hand there are many places that are in essence holy. I am living in Israel now, and like you mentioned there are holy places everywhere here. The country itself can be considered holy. My favorite place is the Western Wall. The best is that I can have someone say prayers for me at the Western Wall (Kotel).
Update: I was walking with Rabbi Irwin Kula back to his hotel this afternoon from Adat Shalom Synagogue (where he was scholar-in-residence) and we walked by the Holocaust Memorial Center (on Orchard Lake Road in Farmington Hills).
Pointing to the building which is designed to look like the Auschwitz concentration camp and painted to resemble the Auschwitz prisoner uniform, I commented to him that that building is where I used to go see movies when I was a kid. It was the Old Orchard Movie Theater.
I then told him that tonight would be the grand opening of the new Teen Center which used to be the Holocaust Memorial Center.
So I guess one could say that where teens used to go see movies is now a Holocaust museum and where teens now go to see movies used to be a Holocaust museum!
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