I figured he was right. The trend, at least among the younger generation, was toward smaller, more intimate congregations. After all, in the larger cities young Jews were flocking to the do-it-yourself minyans rather than to the large, institutional congregations. At least that was true among Conservative Jews.
However, at the recent Reform Movement's Bienniel Convention in San Diego, the focus was on the Mega-Church. The JTA featured this in its article "Reform finds inspiration in mega-church techniques".

In November, the New York Times picked up on Synagogue 3000's analysis of Rick Warren's Saddleback Church with Samuel Freedman's article "An Unlikely Megachurch Lesson". Freedman writes:
One Sunday morning in 1995, Ron Wolfson and Rabbi Lawrence Hoffman braked to a halt in an oddly enlightening traffic jam. The line of cars was creeping toward Saddleback Church in Southern California, whose services were drawing thousands of worshipers. As two Jews, Mr. Wolfson and Rabbi Hoffman had crossed the sectarian divide to try to figure out how and why.
As they inched down the road, they spotted a sign marked "For First-Time Visitors." It directed them to pull into a separate lane and put on emergency blinkers. Bypassing the backup, they soon reached a lot with spaces reserved for newcomers. When Mr. Wolfson and Rabbi Hoffman emerged from their car, an official Saddleback greeter led them into the church.
Those first moments on the perimeter of the church set into motion a dozen years of increasing interaction between a Jewish organization devoted to reinvigorating synagogues and one of the most successful evangelical megachurches in the nation, the Rev. Rick Warren's Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, Calif.
This has not been a studiously balanced bit of ecumenicism. Synagogue 3000, the group led by Mr. Wolfson, an education professor, and Rabbi Hoffman, a scholar of liturgy, went to the church to figure out what evangelical Christians were doing right that Jews were doing wrong or not at all.
"To put it bluntly," Mr. Wolfson said, "if there are thousands of people waiting to get in, I want to know what’s going on. I want to know what they’re doing that’s tapping those souls."

Rick Warren was a speaker at an evening plenary session at the annual Reform Movement convention. He explained how he grew Saddleback so large that he expects 42,000 worshipers to attend his 14 Christmas services next week. And two years ago he rented out Anaheim Stadium on the occasion of his church's 25th anniversary so he could speak to his entire congregation at once.
I'm not sure that any baseball stadiums will be holding Kol Nidrei in the near future, but the idea of a mega-shul is intriguing.
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