Monday, October 04, 2010

Technology's Limits - After Tyler Clementi's Death, a Rabbi Warns of Technology without Ethics

Cross-posted to Jewish Techs

The tragic death of Tyler Clementi, the Rutgers University student who took his own life after being filmed having sex with a man, has led some to voice concern over young people's misuse of technology.

Rabbi Andy Bachman, the founder of BrooklynJews, wrote an open letter to young people in the community on his blog. The letter was reposted on the Forward's Web site.

In his open letter, Bachman begins by reaching out as a rabbi to the young generation of his community be they gay or straight to let them know they were created in the image of God. He then goes on to address the use of technology to invade the privacy of Clementi and lead him to take his own life.

Bachman writes, "...[Clementi's] peers, besides reflecting a disgusting prejudice, also worshiped their technology. Young people live in a world of too much access to too much instantaneous entertainment. And with a webcam and a laptop and an Internet connection, college students at Rutgers created their own bizarre “reality TV,” without thinking about the moral and ethical and criminal implications of what they were doing to another human being. A click and a laugh — and now someone with so much potential is dead. And that, plain and simple, is wrong. Technology can save lives but it can also be a tool for evil. So take stock next time you’re ready to click so quickly. Think and feel before you act."

I teach a weekly high school class about Judaism and technology at a large Reform congregation in Metro Detroit. On the first day of class, we discussed the pros and cons of technology. I asked the teens to describe how new forms of technology can be used for good and how they can be used for evil.

The NY Times reports that the news about Clementi's suicide came on the same day that Rutgers kicked off a two-year, campuswide project to teach the importance of civility, with special attention to the use and abuse of new technology.

We are still learning how best to use these new technologies, from social networking to video streaming. The ability to broadcast realty television is now possible for millions of people with a camera and an Internet connection. The question is whether our society has the ethics necessary to guide us in the appropriate use of these media. As we see from the case of Tyler Clementi, the misuse of technology can be fatal.


  1. Andrew Moss7:22 PM

    What happened to this man was absolutly terrible, but you were right that it was not completely technology's fault. Technology is a good thing if used in the right way, and obviously, it wasnt in this case. I hope that the people that posted this video are brought to justice.

  2. i believe that the people that posted this video should be completely at fault. Not the internet

  3. So as i said earlier in your class it is very easy to pint the finger at technology being as technology is not a person and technology cant defend itself. instead we need to place blame on those who use technology as a weopon of hate. it has been shown that technology can be a very dangerous weopn indeed. however it dosent make sense to cease the great movement that is modern tecnology simply because people use technology to inflict their hate on others. we should instead look to protect technology and change who we are and the way we act.

  4. Natalie Bloom7:25 PM

    I personally, agree. People should have the right to write anything they want on the internet, but there are limitations. The exposure of this young boy was over the line and unexceptable and inapropriate. I personaly believe that suiceide is an awlful option to death. People, especially Tyler, do not realize that the sky is the limit and the world is their playground.

  5. Eden Zaslow7:26 PM

    The internet and technology have become a huge part in our life. We sometimes take it for granted and use it poorly. Tyler was in a postition anyone else would be in: Hurt, scared and depressed. This blog truly shows how cruel people can be. People should read this blog so they can impact their life and for the ones around them.

  6. Michael Baron7:26 PM

    I personally believe that this is a tragic to all. Technology can be used for the good and bad, and in this case it was used for the bad.

  7. I think this is a very powerfull story. It is horribly sad and depressing story. It is also grotest how people who go to school with this kid could do something so impossibly horrible. It is a shock and is very depressin to me.
    Brandon Herman

  8. Matt Bloom7:29 PM

    I feel really bad for the kid. I wish this would've never happened. If you want privacy, show that you want privicy by speaking out.

  9. Anonymous7:33 PM

    Worldwide society these days is revolved around an iniquidous, inpersonal world wide web. I say impersonal because face to face these days is a thing of the past. Because of this, things said that would be unthinkable in person are quick to be posted.

    -Ben Robinson

  10. Marissa S.7:35 PM

    I think it was horrible that Tyler committed suicide. in our world, people should be able to feel comfortable with who thay are and be themselves. Technology has made it hard for people to be accepting of others.

  11. ***What follows are comments posted by teens in my weekly 10th grade class that deals with technology and Judaism at Temple Israel in West Bloomfield, Michigan***


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