Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Simchat Torah Mysticism in the Age of YouTube

Cross-posted to Jewish Techs

Google Images and YouTube videos are helping Jewish educators create new midrash and bring sacred meaning to age-old traditions. Rabbi Rachel Gurevitz created an innovative, interactive experience for the seven hakafot (circles) of Simchat Torah.

Her "Seven Dances for Simchat Torah in the YouTube Era" is available on the Sh'ma Koleinu website. Sh'ma Koleinu is an online center for spirituality and connection from Congregation B'nai Israel in Bridgeport, CT, which seeks to bring sacred meaning to convey something of the deeper meanings of the High Holy Day liturgy.

Gurewitz's Simchat Torah blog entry uses YouTube videos and Google Images "to try to tap into the different energies and attributes of the lower sephirot as encapsulated by the seven hakafot on Simchat Torah, with selections of images, stories and YouTube videos to explore the seven energies of dance."

View her creation here.

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