Monday, October 25, 2010

Grover or Telly: Who's More Jewish?

Here's my latest blog post for Community Next's "Rabbi J in the D"

When asked who is the biggest Jewish celebrity on Sesame Street, most people immediately respond "Mr. Hooper." And that’s not a bad answer since both Mr. Hooper and his alter-ego Will Lee were Jewish.

However, there are two Muppets who are competing over the award for the biggest Yid. And if you guessed Elmo, you’re wrong. Elmo is not a Jewish name and based on the hours of research I did (you can ask Count exactly how many) it would appear that Elmo is actually a Presbyterian.

I’ve managed to narrow the field down to Grover and Telly. In the video clips below you can watch Grover discuss the need for a day of rest. The Shomer Shabbos furry blue Muppet seems to really find inner peace and spirituality on Shabbat.

The second video shows Telly teaching the viewing audience to play Dreidel. He’s either a true Hanukkah-lover or he has a serious gambling problem.

So, you be the judge. Is it Shabbos Grover or Dreidel Telly? (Leave your vote in the "comments" section.)


  1. I always thought Telly for sure.

  2. Marc Cohen2:16 PM

    Big Bird walks on the sabbath and he does not eat pork. Telly for sure does not keep Kosher and Grover could be a Jew??

  3. Aaron Schwartz2:16 PM

    Fozzie Bear was an old Vaudevillian...

  4. Kevin Elbinger2:17 PM

    Has to be Miss Piggy. U really think she would eat pork?

  5. Jeff Katz2:17 PM

    I was thinking the Swedish chef. He makes a mean chicken soup . " here chicky, chicky, chicky"

  6. Marc Cohen2:17 PM

    @Kevin I don't think Frogs are Kosher and........

  7. Joel Ross2:18 PM

    Muppett... Zoe. Human... Mr. Hooper.

  8. Rabbi Dan Wigodsky2:18 PM

    Moishe Oofnik

  9. Marc Cohen2:19 PM

    OK, OK, it has to be Rabbi Snuffalapagus, You can easily see that he has paiyes

  10. David Graham2:19 PM

    Gonzo got the nose

  11. Daniel Weberman2:19 PM

    miss piggy not kosher but looks like a distant cousin of mine

  12. Dina Berdy2:20 PM

    Of course gonzo. neurotic, vaudvillian, chicken-loving. Is there any question? He's like the Woody Allen of Muppet!

  13. Linda G.2:05 PM

    On today's episode, Grover let out an, "Oy gevalt!" I wondered whether Grover had ever been confirmed as canonically Jewish, which led me to this page. I'd say it's another piece of evidence that he is. ;-)


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