Sunday, June 06, 2010

Miguel Cotto is Kosher & Promotes Orthodox Union (OU) with Tattoo

The Jewish boxer Yuri Foreman, who is originally from Haifa Israel and training to become an Orthodox rabbi, just lost in a TKO decision to the Puerto Rican fighter Miguel Cotto at Yankee Stadium.

While I was disappointed that Foreman lost his title, I thought it was funny that at the end of the fight while Cotto was being interviewed by an HBO reporter, it became apparent that he was sporting a tattoo on his right collarbone that looks like the kosher symbol of the Orthodox Union (OU).

As I posted on Twitter:
Yuri Foreman keeps kosher and apparently Miguel Cotto IS kosher. You'd think the OU would advertise with the Jew.

Update: Miguel Cotto got the tattoo as a gesture for a Jewish friend of his. Here's the background story on Cotto's kosher tattoo with video below courtesy of Elie Seckbach:


  1. It's quite funny because I commented on a friend's post last night after the fight and proposed maybe Cotto is anousim. Now with the tatoo who knows, maybe it is a gesture that may have some root! There are plenty of PR's that descend from Jewish ancestry. I know, I'm one! Thanks for posting your video. Shalom,

    Gabriel Ruiz-Gorritz

  2. Anonymous6:40 PM

    lol.. you guys are so wrong... that tat he got it cuz his wife is peruvian and also a Fan of Universitario and teams symbol is simple just like that


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