Wednesday, January 20, 2010

JDate Rabbi of the Month

Since I became a rabbi, I've found that there are two different ways that engaged couples respond to the question, "So... how did you meet?"

There is the long, detailed narrative married-couples-to-be provide about who set them up, how they began as "just close friends" and it progressed to something "more," or how fate brought them together at that singles' night at the bar or a mutual friend's wedding. Conversely, there is the quick, one-word response that more than half of all couples give me when I ask how they met: "JDate."

Most rabbis are realizing that JDate is having a positive effect on bringing young Jewish couples together. Close friends of mine who met on JDate (and now have two children) nominated me for the JDate "Rabbi of the Month." I'm proud to be associated with this website and company (owned by Beverly Hills-based Spark Networks Limited) because they are using technology to do what Jewish matchmakers have done for generations -- help Jewish people find each other.

Upon being told I was JDate's Rabbi of the Month, I was asked why I encourage young singles to register on JDate. I replied: "JDate is the spark that single Jews need to find their Bashert (soul mate). There's truly someone out there for everyone."

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