Monday, October 29, 2007

Goo Goo for Ga-Ga

Ga-Ga at CampIt's amazing what you find on the Web. Somehow I stumbled upon a number of YouTube videos of people playing Ga-Ga, the Israeli dodgeball game that is played in a pit and mostly at Jewish summer camps. So I decided to do a Wikipedia search for "Ga-Ga" and discovered the following:

The comedian Sacha Baron Cohen, despite his lanky frame, was noted for being a champion ga-ga player in his Habonim days. According to his official online biography, Cohen won the Habonim UK ga-ga championship on multiple occasions and in 1992 led his country to a silver medal in the world ga-ga ball championships eventually coming in second to the undefeated Australian Habonim team.
(Source: Wikipedia entry for "Ga-Ga")
So Borat plays Ga-Ga. Who knew?

Here's a video clip of a Ga-Ga game, titled "Jew Ball?"

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